Illinois Secretary of State removes 30 waiting Period for BAIID

Effective January 1 2016, the Illinois Secretary of State has removed the 30-day waiting period before a person with a suspended license based upon a Statutory Summary Suspension can begin driving. When a person receives a charge of driving under the influence (DUI) they usually (but not always) also receive a Statutory Summary Suspension. This…

Video Recording of your Illinois DUI Arrest

Is there a video of your DUI arrest?  The answer is most likely “yes”.  More and more police departments are using dash and body cameras to record police interactions.  However, each police department has its own video recording rules. Some police departments do not have in-car video and other’s do. By law, all Illinois State…

Bridgeview DUI: Not Guilty

I just won a DUI case at the Bridgeview courthouse and my client did not have to testify. Here are the facts: my client was stopped at 1:15 a.m. in LaGrange, Illinois for speeding 40mph in a 25mph zone. My client admitted to drinking alcohol and, according to the police officer, failed all of the…